Ensure that every move is intentional, coordinated and achieves meaningful progress toward a specific end game and ultimate result.



Critical assessment

Using Checkmate, you can:

>  Triage cases based on the threat and projected outcome

>  Capture and analyze the key variables that have the potential to drive or mitigate risk

>  Assign a case-specific plan that ensures the greatest return on your investment

Checkmate will deliver the capability to analyze the unique variables for each case, then apply a proprietary algorithm to generate a Threat Score. Checkmate can produce a Threat Report that will provide an unprecedented view into your portfolio.



Armed with Checkmate, your team can devise a targeted strategy for each case to achieve the best result.

Checkmate enables unprecedented visibility into each unique case as well as across a portfolio of hundreds or even thousands of cases.


dynamic execution

Checkmate embeds collaboration and communication within the workflow of case development, reducing the volume of emails, texts and other ad hoc communications that create noise and distraction.

Checkmate integrates the Case File with the Case Plan to optimize every minute your team is working on a case.

Checkmate supports the ability to direct the daily activities of each attorney and staff assigned to a specific case or a portfolio of cases. This functionality is continuously refined and enhanced to ensure maximum efficiency.
